Cambridge Primary School

Quality - Tradition – Innovation

iPad, App and Internet Safety

Watch this video to learn how to set restrictions onto your iPhone, iPod and iPads.  This shows you how to prevent your child installing inappropriate Apps, it shows how to set the level of the content to an appropriate age level for your child and it shows you how to block content. Click on the image link below... (This takes you to a You Tube clip and you will need to push "back" to return to the CPS website)

Here is an  excellent video clip that promotes internet safety for children.  They are a great way to demonstrate to children not to give out personal details and the risks of some online games.  A great watch for parents.

Here is a disturbing article about children from a school and Grand Theft Auto. Grand Theft Auto is iTunes rated R18+ for Violence, Sexual References and Profanity and no child at Cambridge Primary School should be playing this game.