Cambridge Primary School

Quality - Tradition – Innovation

Welcome to Cambridge Primary School 

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Welcome to Cambridge Primary School.  

Here at Cambridge Primary School, we have;


  • A welcoming school, where all pupils and families can feel  part of our community

  • A safe school, where all pupils, staff, and families feel safe in our environment

  • A positive learning environment where every teacher has the right to teach and every child has the right to learn.

This booklet will help you, as a new family, to learn a little more about Cambridge Primary School. We aim to keep you well informed. Our friendly office staff, the CPS Newsletter produced in weeks 3, 6 & 9 of each term,” The Week Ahead” which is sent weekly,  HERO - our School Student Management System is the main platform for parent notices, information, and school news. The CPS Facebook page and the Cambridge Primary website, are the other platforms we employ to help you stay connected with Cambridge Primary and the activities taking place.  

Your child will be well taught by excellent staff and will learn in a warm, secure,

and safe environment. Our friendly and welcoming staff and students will help ensure your child settles in happily and quickly. We hope you will feel free to contact the class teacher, your child’s team leader, or me if you have any queries or concerns.

If you have an interest in becoming an active member of our school community there are a few ways you can do this; as a parent helper, a PTA member, or as a Board of Trustees member, to name a few. I am sure that you will find participation in our school life very rewarding. 

Again, welcome to our school, and please do keep in touch.


Mike Pettit                                              Kate Paine

PRINCIPAL                                           CHAIRPERSON BOARD OF TRUSTEES

 You can download a copy of our 2025 Cambridge Primary School Prospectus HERE