Cambridge Primary School

Quality - Tradition – Innovation


To provide our students with a safe and positive learning environment in which they can develop the skills that will enable them to maximise their potential and become responsible world citizens.

Cambridge Primary School aims to foster and celebrate the diversity of world cultures, and our mission statement acknowledges the importance of widening our pupils' understanding of cultural differences. As part of this philosophy, we welcome a limited number of international students to enhance the multicultural dimension of our school.

Cambridge Primary School offers a safe and supportive educational experience to all students with a focus on building relationships whilst delivering the national curriculum and specialist learning programmes. We warmly welcome international students to engage with our quality experiences and to contribute to our community of global thinkers. 

Click HERE  to view our International Student Prospectus.


We accept international students based on the number of places available at the time of application with a maximum of four international students per class. Acceptance of placement is at the discretion of the School Principal / Board of Trustees. 
 We invite contact from agents who are registered with New Zealand's Immigration Advisers Authority (IAA) and/or Education New Zealand. 
The following documents are available for international parents and agents to download. For further information, please contact the International Student Director: international@cambridgeprimary